Team Leaders of the DeTour Reef Light Preservation Society may be contacted at:
In the subject line, indicate the name of the person that you want to contact.
Russ Norris: President
Joe Henne: Vice President
David J. Bardsley: Treasurer
Hallie Wilson: Secretary
Ann Method Green: Michigan Lighthouse Alliance Representative
Mary Chamberlin
Brad McGann
Brian Nettleton
Jeri Baron Feltner: Founding Director, Emerita, Chair Sponsor A Step
Clifton E. Haley: Director, Emeritus
James S. Woodward: Honorary Director
Paula P. Bardsley: Membership Chair, Data Base Administration
Jeri Baron Feltner: Sponsor-A-Step Chair
Brad McGann: Special Projects
Jeanette Alguire: Contractor/Accountant, Resident Agent
Clifton E. Haley: Legal Matters
Mary Chamberlin: Chair, Evening Under the Stars
Ann Method Green: Newsletter Editors
Matt Sawyer: Webmaster
Ann Method Green: Web Maintenance and Development
Mary Chamberlin: Chair, Keeper and Tour Program
Russell Norris: Youth program
Brian Nettleton: Preservation and Maintenance
Hallie Wilson: Special Projects
Joe Henne: Public Relations