The DeTour Reef Light Preservation Society has been researching former Keepers who have served on the DeTour Reef Lighthouse. In the process one of them has shared some interesting photographs that depict daily life on the lighthouse. Particularly interesting are pictures from around 1958 of local ladies socializing with the young men of the US Coast Guard on the Lighthouse. It was a serious infraction of the rules to have company during duty hours but head keeper Charlie Jones was on his shore leave and was unaware of these visitors.
One of these ladies went up and inspected the Fresnel lens that was in the lighthouse and today is on display in the DeTour Historical Museum. By the smile on her face, it would appear she was having a good time.
These ladies most likely lived in the DeTour area or were summer visitors. We have been unable to identify them.
Today, the ladies would probably be in their late 70’s or early 80’s and DRLPS would like to have them share the story of their adventure on the Light. The DRLPS would appreciate anyone who knows the names of these ladies to contact us at . We promise we will keep their identities secret (for a while anyway).